Time for Action
Our platform is designed to make progress possible. As we rewrite the rules of enterprise, we’re starting a new chapter in human development.

Our Points of Focus
We believe Agri-Thrive can positively impact every aspect of the UN’s sustainability agenda. Below, we have identified the key areas in which we can be transformative, and where we’re actively working to change the game.
Achieving gender equality and empowering all women and girls
Women and girls represent a significant part of informal economy. Agri-Thrive is helping them overcome social and economic barriers, creating greater access to capital, markets and low-touch commerce, so they can work more safely and productively.
Promoting sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth; full, productive employment; and decent work for all
These are turbulent times for the global economy, with workers in informal employment, the self-employed, and daily wage earners being hit hardest. Agri-Thrive goes to the heart of this challenge, reaching the businesses no-one sees, while giving them the tools and funding they need to keep trading. It also gives governments the data required to reach the most vulnerable, as well as tracking the process of recovery.
Reducing inequality within and among countries
Despite some positive signs of progress, inequality still persists in all forms. Agri-Thrive tackles these issues head-on, giving opportunity to those who are structurally shut out from the formal economy and its benefits. By rewriting the rules of enterprise, we are levelling the playing field, offering more people a more equal chance of success.

Principled progress
We are about action and not just words. As such we are aligned with the Principles for Responsible Investment, set out by the PRI in partnership with UNEP Finance Initiative and UN Global Compact.

- We will incorporate ESG issues into investment analysis and decision-making processes.
- We will be active owners and incorporate ESG issues into our ownership policies and practices.
- We will seek appropriate disclosure on ESG issues by the entities in which we invest.
- We will promote acceptance and implementation of the Principles within the investment industry.
- We will work together to enhance our effectiveness in implementing the Principles.
- We will each report on our activities and progress towards implementing the Principles.
Where else we can help
Our innovative tech platform provides simple, easy to use business management tools, opening up new trade opportunities and increasing access to capital growth markets. This allows us to:

- Increase household income
- Improve digitisation amongst micro-SME communities
- Close the funding gap for micro-SMEs through the provision of accessible, affordable capital for the first time
- Create job opportunities and stimulate an entrepreneurial environment
- Combat income inequality between urban and rural areas
- Improve community access to schools and hospitals
- Boost social prosperity and national GDP as a whole
Ernie James Academy
As part of Agri-Thrive’s commitment to improve lives in the communities in which we operate, we have set up an initiative providing direct assistance to schoolgirls from deprived families across India through a school scholarship programme: the Ernie James Academy

Key to this programme is not just providing the opportunity for education, but also compensating families for any loss of income as a result of the child not working, as is common in much of rural India.
The longer-term objective is to provide these girls with the skills to start their own businesses, thereby supporting long-term local economic growth, job creation and gender equality.
The Academy has been named for its Founder’s grandfather, Ernie James. Ernie gave a lifetime of service to education, starting at the age of 14. He was a passionate teacher, helping children in both urban and rural Australia throughout his lifetime. He was committed to giving all children an equal opportunity in life and went where he was needed most. The Ernie James Academy continues his dedicated work.